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Rose Quartz 29.53 cts / Brazil
Tourmaline 0.22 cts / Mozambique
Triplite (exremely rare) 0.53 cts / Pakistan
Bytownite (Feldspar) 1.21 cts / Mexico
Axinite 0.58 cts / Khapalu, Pakistan
Fire Opal / Jelly Opal 0.85 cts / Mexico
Pink Topaz 0.52 cts (natural color) / Katlang, Pakistan
Sphalerite 1.73 cts / Bulgaria
Rose Quartz 2.77 ct / Brazil
Spessartine Garnet (Mandarin Garnet) 0.14 ct / Nigeria
Hyalite Opal 1.90 cts (Opal-AN) / ("Blood Vessel Opal") / Mexico
Dioptase 0.21 cts / Kimbedi, Republic of Congo
Citrine 2.60 cts / Brazil
Amblygonite 0.19 cts / Brazil
Opal 1.20 cts (with "Contra Luz" Color Flash) / Ethiopia
Emerald 0.42 cts / Brazil
Shiva's Eye Pendant (Operculum of Turbinidae Shell) in Sterling Silver 28.85 cts / Indonesia
Malachite 38.39 cts / Bisbee, Arizona
Cassiterite 3.36 cts / Locality: Bolivia
Trapiche Sapphire / Locality - Mong Hsu, Loilem District, Shan State, Myanmar (Burma)